to make instant decisions. It's our brain's way of using past experiences, emotions, and learned patterns to make quick judgments about a situation or person. So, when your intuition nudges you, it's not just a random feeling. It's your super computer of a brain providing insights based on a wealth of information it has gathered over the years.
Trusting Your Intuition One of the most valuable things I teach in my work is to trust your intuition. Trusting your intuition can be challenging, especially when it seems illogical or counterintuitive. But remember, intuition is not about making 'logical' decisions; it's about making 'right' decisions for you. In the shamanic worldview, our intuition can often be messages from our spirit guides. When we experience a strong gut feeling, it could be our spirit guides sending us a signal, nudging us towards or away from certain paths. This connection to the divine, this spiritual guidance, is always available to us, and by trusting our intuition, we are, in essence, acknowledging and honoring this higher wisdom. It's about understanding that we are never alone in our journey, that we have spiritual companionship, guiding us and leading us towards our highest good. Strengthening Your Intuition If you're wondering how to strengthen and trust your intuition, here are some of my favorite tips: Meditate: Meditation helps clear mental clutter and enhances our ability to listen to our inner voice. Spend Time in Nature: Nature has a calming effect on our minds, allowing us to tune into our intuitive insights. Journaling: Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you notice patterns and insights that your intuition is trying to convey. Tune-in to Your Body: When faced with a decision, pay attention to how your body reacts. A sense of discomfort may indicate that it's not the right choice for you. Embracing Intuition Embracing your intuition is like acknowledging a powerful beacon of wisdom that resides within you. This beacon, when trusted, can guide you to make choices that align with your highest self, leading to a life of authenticity, fulfillment, and peace. By welcoming your intuition into your daily life, you are allowing yourself to tap into an ancient wisdom - a divine guidance that transcends logic and reason. Embracing intuition imparts a profound sense of empowerment. It tells you that you have all the answers within you, that you can trust your judgments and decisions. This self-trust can significantly enhance your self-confidence, self-esteem, and overall emotional well-being. It also cultivates resilience, as you learn to navigate life's ups and downs more deftly, guided by your inner light. In embracing intuition, you also experience a deeper connection to the universe, nature, and every living being. This bond can foster feelings of oneness, love, and compassion, enriching your life and your relationships. By honoring and following your intuition, you invite the energy of the universe to guide your path, opening the door to abundance, joy, and spiritual growth. And isn't that the life we all want?! Comments are closed.
AuthorTerri Lundquist Archives
January 2025