It has taken me a little while to get this posted, but here is a little musing I wrote up on the way home from the Celebrate Your Life weekend in October. The jars aren't an idea original to me. I think I picked it up from Gaia Wisdom School and Dakota Earth Cloud Walker. It's a great visual reminder of how blessed my life is... I’m sitting at the Phoenix airport waiting for a flight home after an amazing weekend listening to world class spiritual leaders and coming into heart resonance with other beautiful souls. I’m happy to be going home. Excited to bring this feeling and these science-based spiritual concepts to my life and my community. Waiting for me at home, I have two mason jars sitting in my kitchen. One has a + on it and one has a - on it. The plus is for when I do something that feeds my soul, when I honor myself, hold my boundaries, speak my truth. It’s for when I add to my spiritual growth with a practical behavior that supports me. The minus is for when I give my power away. It’s for when I agree to meet with that person who always complains, just because I think I should, or because it will make them happy. The minus is for when I do something in the real world that takes away from my spiritual being and growth. When I skip the five minutes (minimum) I set for myself for sitting at my altar everyday. It’s for when I don’t speak up or don’t express my authentic self. It’s for when I catch the negative self-talk soundtrack looping in my mind. It’s for when I ignore my spirit guides for more than 24 hours. You get the picture.
Whenever I do something that adds to or takes away from my soul growth I add to the jar. I’m using pennies, but you could just as easily use pebbles or pet food kibble, small candies... whatever. When I do something really nourishing, like taking a long walk in the woods instead of spending an extra hour at my computer, I add a lot of pennies to the plus jar. After this weekend, I’m going to have to add an entire roll of pennies! I’ve heard of someone using the jar concept for their relationship. Whenever their sweetheart did something loving or kind they added to the “love” jar and whenever something went wrong, they added to the “less love” jar. When one jar was filled, this woman discovered that she had a lot more love in her relationship than she thought, her partner wasn’t, in fact, as selfish as she thought when she began the experiment. You can adapt the idea however it works for you. Label the jars anything you want. It’s just a simple, visual reminder of what we are doing in the real world to be better spiritually-minded loving souls everyday. Comments are closed.
AuthorTerri Lundquist Archives
January 2025