What did you need to hear as a child that would have helped you shape your wounds into a gift? I was asked this recently in a (virtual) workshop space (check out Philip McKernan, he asks the best questions!). It got me thinking, what did I need to hear that I wasn't hearing? I love you. You matter. You are beautiful. You can do anything you set your mind to. You are special. You are enough. I love you. All these and more! Then a lightbulb seemed to go off in my head. Yes, it really was like that, a lightbulb. One thing I do consistently, religiously, happily with everyone I meet is encourage them. I am a huge believer in encouragement. In feeling into the question of what did I need to hear, I discovered a path to healing a childhood wound. Pretty neat, right? Look at that question, think it over, feel into it and see what you come up with. Where are you intuitively working through healing old wounds? What is happening in your life right now that is triggering old wounds and how can you bring healing to that area? How are you already bringing healing to this wound for yourself or others?
Humanity is going through some intense times, globally and cosmically things are rough right now. Feelings are more pronounced and things seem a little chaotic across the board (for more on that check out this video by Lee Harris). In times like these there is no choice but to heal. Anyone with any level of enlightenment is being forced through the fire to burn off karma. It's happening. You can't escape it. So go ahead and look at those childhood wounds. Go ahead and question if what you are feeling right now, might truly be linked to something from back then. Ask yourself if it is true now or if it is simply a triggering set of circumstances. Feel into how you might bring healing to the raw places that are hurting. Ask for guidance and friendship and support. We are in a place of deep reflection, seeking the calm in the chaos. We can be the calm in the chaos and we can only be that if we look into the shadows and the wounds and bring light to those places. You may already be healing and in that case it might be time to shift your perspective and embrace the truth. It might be time to acknowledge, honor and give thanks for the ways you are changing the world and bringing healing to your heart. When I give encouragement to everyone I, too, have an opportunity to bask in the encouragement. From now on, every single time I encourage someone, I will hear the words spoken to me as well. So go ahead, you can do anything you set your mind to. I got your back. You got this! Comments are closed.
AuthorTerri Lundquist Archives
January 2025