We have encounters with unseen energies around us all the time. Too often we doubt them. We might even think we are a little crazy. It’s okay to ask if you are crazy. I get that, I’ve been there. I remember sitting with a shaman teacher one afternoon and hearing her say that even she sometimes wonders if she is a bit crazy. What we don’t have is a place to talk about these encounters. A tribe of people or a learned elder who can guide us in understanding what we’re encountering. That’s why we doubt. Our culture is set up to foster only what science can validate and what the five physical senses can perceive. Intuition and hunches, the foundation of the unseen energies, are not spoken of outside of “new age” communities. But that is changing. Many of us believe we get messages from our loved ones who have crossed over, but few are willing to state it with certainty.
Many of us experience extra-sensory perception and precognition, but few would claim it as a normal occurrence. We still think it is out of the ordinary and only happens on rare or extreme occasions. This isn’t true. It happens all the time. We’re simply not trained to pay attention and read the signs. We don’t know how to interpret them. We barely believe unseen forces are real, how could we begin to understand them? Things are changing, contemporary scientific thought is supporting what the shamans have always known. Modern science, the world of quantum mechanics, is proving what we have been experiencing all along. Since the early 1900s, science has been convincingly demonstrating the existence of unseen forces working in our lives at the atomic level. While this information hasn’t been widely distributed in the mainstream and isn’t being taught to our youth, it is available for those interested in learning more. Check out Michael Talbot’s book The Holographic Universe. Great scientific minds like Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Erwin Schrödinger, Werner Heisenberg and Max Born have debated, studied and proven the existence of forces we cannot see at work in our everyday lives. In fact, quantum mechanics explains forces in our universe that classical physics cannot explain. It goes beyond what we think we knew as the whole truth and expands our awareness to a greater truth. You are not crazy. You live in an expanded awareness. You live with the shamanic perspective supported by 100 years of quantum mechanics. Go ahead and ask if you’re crazy. Then go read a book, take a course, study energy work or learn about shamanism and move beyond self-doubt and limiting beliefs. You got this. Comments are closed.
AuthorTerri Lundquist Archives
January 2025