My rituals tend to be practical full body experiences. I gravitate more toward embodying intention than acting it out. In my life, it’s sometimes not practical to light candles and put on special clothes to dance around a room chanting. In fact those things can sometimes feel foolish. I know that for me it’s a show, an act, not my style. What I find more useful and accessible are quiet rituals I can do anytime, anywhere. Even connecting with my coffee in the morning is a ritual. You could be sitting next to me at a cafe as I practice a morning ritual of welcoming the day, energized and connected with the plant world and the elements through this amazing gift of the coffee bean, fire, water, and air it takes to brew.
One of my go-to rituals is an empowerment ritual I do whenever I'm feeling loss of power, less than, or just not enough in this world. It's easy and I'd love to share it with you in these simple steps. 1. Ground, center, and drop your awareness into your heart. Spend a minute or more just being fully present in your body, in your heart, connecting to your highest self and highest potential. 2. Breathe. Take a few deep breaths. Just be present with this flow of energy through the breath. You can imagine the out breath releasing blocks and limitations if that feels good to you. 3. From this fully connected place, you can draw energy up from the earth, trees, rocks, or water surrounding you. If you are inside a building, just imagine yourself in nature, someplace safe and healing. Draw up the power of Nature and Mother Earth, bringing it up from the environment through the bottom of your feet and through your body all the way to the top of your head. Imagine it fully, feel it fully, let it infuse your every cell with its powerful energy. If, at first, this feels like too much power for you to hold, you can allow it to flow out of your head and fall around you like a waterfall of energy, returning back to the earth. As you practice the ritual more, your ability to hold the power will expand. 4. Next, draw down energy from the sky, sun, and stars. Filling your body from the head down to your feet with eons of power and creative force. Mixing that energy with the earth energies. Feeling them both filling your body with power. 5. Hold all of this creation power in your body (or as much as you can). Knowing that you are one with all of it. You, too, are a powerful creative source, connected to all things across all time and space. Empowered to create infinite possibilities at a Universal Divine level. 6. Then bring your awareness back to the present, still holding all this power within and go face whatever situation it was that made you feel that you were somehow not empowered. That's really all I do. It's an empowerment ritual that has always served me. Just connecting into the Divine Self through nature, feeling the oneness with all of creation, and holding that force and power within me as my divine right is enough to dispel any thoughts of weakness or insufficiency within me. You can do this ritual with your eyes wide open or closed, standing, walking, or sitting. You can do this ritual at the ocean, forest, or your office desk. Try it before a big meeting or a big day. Try it just to try it. And as with everything I share, make it your own! Make any adjustments you need to fit you and your lifestyle. Drop a comment below and let me know how it works for you. Comments are closed.
AuthorTerri Lundquist Archives
January 2025