Tarot has a way of getting under your skin. It feels mysterious and magical. There is something about tarot that speaks to an older version of ourselves. It evokes a memory of a time when you could climb up into the intricately carved vardo wagon of the local traveling fortune-teller. There might be a crystal ball on a velvet cloth-covered table and a deck of tarot cards waiting for you to ask your questions. By the time you left her, you knew if it was time to walk away from something or someone; or if it was all going to work out for you. If you are thinking about learning tarot, you will step into that magical world and your life will be changed. Here are 7 ways that learning tarot will change your life. Tarot helps you develop clarity.
Tarot strengthens your intuition and develops trust in your inner guidance. You awakens you to forces that are working behind the scenes in your life. You start to think in terms of tarot cards. You get really good at listening. You always have access to another source of wisdom. You make new friends. Tarot helps you develop clarity. To get clear answers from tarot, you have to learn to ask a good question. As you develop that skill you start to realize that you don’t always need to know. You also realize that sometimes you don’t want to know. The better you get at refining your question, the more you find yourself answering the question before you pick a card. I once had a young woman come to me for a reading. Her first question was, “will I find love?” My answer, “yes, of course, you will. We all do.” Whether it will be good love or lasting love or painful love or if it will come in the form of a furry pet, those are clearer questions. If what you really want to know is, “will I find a compatible partner to share a happy life with?” ask that. It is a very different question from “will I find love?” Tarot strengthens your intuition and develop trust in your inner guidance. You can ask a good question, pick a card, and turn to the book for meaning. That is what most of us do in the beginning. As you work progressively with the cards, you will begin to trust yourself more. You will know when whatever is written in the book is perfectly fine, but it doesn’t apply to you or the current question at this time. That’s when you begin to strengthen your intuition muscle and learn to go with your gut. You grow your understanding of the symbols, colors, and images on the card and expand into an intuitive reader. You awaken to forces that are working behind the scenes in your life. It can’t be helped. When you let in the 22 major arcana cards, you become aware of archetypal forces that are out of your control. Things that are happening on levels you never even thought of. You learn there are some things you can affect and change; and others that are going to happen anyway—and you get comfortable with that. It starts to feel like there might be a master plan for you after all. You start to think in terms of tarot cards. New ventures will become the Fool. Cataclysmic change will resemble the Tower card. You will start to recognize queens and knights in your co-workers. Learning something new will feel like a Page card. You will see symbolism in expanded ways throughout your everyday. Things that in the past were just there will now start to come alive with depth and meaning. You get really good at listening. You have to. As people come to you with their questions and concerns, it’s up to you to guide them to see the truth of what they really want to know. That is the craft of guiding the querent to a clear question. To do that well, you must develop adept-level listening skills. Complete strangers will open up to you in confidence and you will hold their trust in a sacred loving way. Sometimes when reading tarot, the healing comes in the querents ability to share their worries with another person. It’s a multi-layered practice. First, in holding space for others; second, listening to the querent to help them identify what it is they are really seeking to know; and third, asking the cards what they are conveying. You have access to another source of wisdom. The archetypal forces and symbols in the best tarot decks are universal and dimensional. Choose a deck that connects with you--there are some pretty silly decks that really don’t do much. The best decks are channeled from sources of wisdom that are greater than your human mind alone has access to on a regular basis. When you work with tarot, you align yourself with and agree to be open to allowing these wisdom sources to come into your life. You begin to understand what it is to have daily access to an expanded awareness. What you see, feel, and hear may not always be the answer you are looking for. I promise, as long as you let your ego step aside, it will be the wisest answer you can know at this time under these circumstances. You make new friends. They will likely be into crystals and herbs and all kinds of fun gypsy and witchy stuff! How cool is that? Comments are closed.
AuthorTerri Lundquist Archives
January 2025