Is it my imagination? - Episode 30
Learning to trust yourself can take time. Be patient and remember these simple practices to help you build confidence in knowing if it's your imagination or "real."
When we feel, see, hear, or sense energy in some other way, it is sometimes hard to know if we are making it up or if it is "real." First, what is real? Is this world you made up today real? Is it real if you can experience it with your five physical senses, does that make something real? Here is a fact: there are colors the human eye cannot see. A simple bird can see ultraviolet, we cannot. Is ultraviolet light real - yes. The human ear cannot pick up sounds above approximately 23 kHz, are sounds above that range real - yes. Even a dog can hear the 45 kHz of a simple dog whistle. Clearly we cannot solely rely on our 5 physical senses to determine what is real in this world.
In this video I give you some ideas of how to get more confident with experiencing energy. What it might take to know the difference between wishful thinking, making it up, active imagination and a real energetic experience. Enjoy! |
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